We strive to provide the support structure of diversity and the ecosystem services that are so important to a thriving ecosystem
Our goal is to combat the decline in biodiversity in our region by working with landowners and non-profit organizations to reintroduce a diverse array of native plant host species back to the surrounding environment and in spatial patterns that perform effective carbon capture.
Our plantings can occupy any point on the spectrum from agricultural plantings focused on producing human food, to biodiversity plantings focused on the production of ecosystem services. While all plantings along the spectrum utilize an agroforestry format, the difference is in which species we use to populate the plantings.
A food production planting might be an overstory of Asian pear and Peach trees, with a shrub layer of blueberry bushes, and a groundcover layer of over one hundred species of regionally native wildflowers, grasses, and sedges.
An ecosystem services (biodiversity) planting would be composed of native species from a mid-secondary succession such as 10-15 different species of a tree layer using plants like Honey-locust and Red Mulberry, with more than 20 different species of a shrub layer using plants like Rugosa Rose and Blackhaw Viburnum, and a groundcover layer of over one hundred species of regionally native wildflowers, grasses, and sedges.
The species composition of these plantings are particularly important as the re-speciation of the native host plants of threatened species is critical to maintaining their habitat, without the plants they rely upon, they will likely disappear, which will have further negative effects up and down the food chain.
The spatial component of the plantings is vital because it affects the amount of photosynthesis that the site as a whole can perform, the rate at which it pulls carbon from the atmosphere, and the duration for which it can continue to do so.
We primarily work with private landowners and nonprofit organizations to install ecologically remedial plantings on their property.
We also work with interested parties to secure funding for plantings at schools, land trusts, and other types of organizations that have land to dedicate to ecologically restorative work.
We have completed a 3-acre ecosystem services (biodiversity) planting at the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA.
Our work is in-progress on a 2-acre installation at the Catskill Montessori School in Catskill, NY.